Author: Roi Reichart and Ari Rappoport
Venue: EMNLP 2010
Leader: Alan
Request: When you post to the blog, please include:
- Your name (plus "leader") if you are leading the discussion
- Which focus paper this post relates to
- Whether this is the pre-meeting review or the post-meeting summary
- Leave a comment on this post (non-anonymously) giving the details of the related paper you will read (include a URL), by Monday, February 28.
- Post your commentary (a paragraph) as a new blog post, by Wednesday, March 2.
My supplementary paper will be what I think is a review article version of a book they cite.
ReplyDeleteAdele Goldberg 2003, "Constructions: a new theoretical approach to language." TRENDS in Cognitive Science.
In general I highly recommend this journal, it has lots of nice cogsci overviews. Easier than trying to read CogSci conference proceeedings (too short/fragmentary) or Psych Review articles (too long/committed to a single elaborate theory).
I'll read
ReplyDeleteJointly Combining Implicit Constraints Improves Temporal Ordering
Nathanael Chambers and Dan Jurafsky
I'll read:
ReplyDeleteModeling Consensus: Classifier Combination for Word Sense Disambiguation
EMNLP 2002
I am planning to read:
ReplyDeleteA sequential model for multi-class classification
Yair Even-Zohar, Dan Roth
EMNLP 2001
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFor this week I will read
ReplyDeleteYang Ye, Victoria Li Fossum and Steven Abney. 2006.
Latent Features in Automatic Tense Translation between Chinese and English.
I will read
ReplyDeleteDavid Martinez, Eneko Agirre, Lluis Marquez. 2002.
Syntactic Features for High Precision Word Sense Disambiguation.